Guppies are some of the most exciting and beautiful tropical fish available. There are more varieties of guppies than there are days in a year! The question is, how do I get the perfect guinea pig? It truly is not as hard as it seems. Read more on Tropical Fish For Sale
GUPPIES. Guppies are extremely easy to maintain and can even be kept in your very own tanks all year round. They are also great for beginner aquarists and really easy to take care of. In this article I will tell you how to pick out the right puppy for your tank, where to put him, and how to set up your aquarium so that you can start feeding live plants.
Picking the right puppy for your aquarium can sometimes seem like a mind-boggling process, but in reality it's actually quite easy once you understand how tropical fish species work. If you pick one that's not suitable for your tank then you're basically setting yourself up for a long winter where all you get to see is their lifeless bodies lying on the bottom of your tropical fish tank. What's worse is when a new hobbyist decides to get a fish like the Argentine the first time around and completely ignore the warning signs that something has happened to the fish in the tank. I had this experience with my new guppy. I got him from a friend because she said that he was the 'perfect fish' for my new aquarium. But within a week he was dead, frozen to the floor and frozen to the tank.
To avoid this situation and to get along with your new friends, get along the basics with your tropical fish before introducing them to one another. The first thing you should do is make sure that your guppies have room to swim freely in the tank. If you don't give them enough room then they may fight with each other which will only result in one of them dying. Also make sure that there is a good supply of oxygen in the tank for both of your fish.
Some of the most popular and common guppy's are the Cichlids which include the Amazon Swordfish, Black Headed Shiner, Black Golden Shiner, Buffy, and the Serpaeander. These are by far the widest range of tropical fish species in the world. However, the biggest mistake that a new aquarist makes is confusing these fish species for each other and wrongly classifying them as 'Cichlids'. As stated above, there are several major differences between these three guppies and as such they should be given their own name...and you won't get along them very well if you do.
One important distinction is that Cichlids are freshwater fish species while Bettas algae are marine fish species. Therefore, the two shouldn't be mixed up or confused with each other when you're learning how to keep fish. Another significant byte of differentiation between these two popular freshwater fish species is that Betta fish are actually quite aggressive while the latter are much more timid. This is an important point to remember whenever you're classifying any pet fish species because often, you'll end up making a mistake if you don't realize that a particular freshwater fish species is truly either aggressive or very timid. Let's not forget the fact that Betta fish also have teeth that they must keep clean in order to keep their gums healthy.
Finally, there is the question of water parameters. These water parameters are extremely important to the proper growth and health of your tropical fish. For example, you cannot maintain a stable population of tropical fish if the water parameters for your tank are too low or if it has too much ammonia. When you're starting out with a home aquarium, it is best that you know exactly what the ph levels should be, the amount of plants that you should include, and how the water should be kept at all times.
Also, the aforementioned guppies and the ghost shrimps are both solitary animals, meaning that they should live by themselves in their own little territory. They won't do well if there are other tropical fish in the tank. There are several species of guppies that are really good at living in groups, however, such as the devil shrimp and the common gourami. In that case, it may be a good idea to include both of them in your aquarium.