Tropical fish, especially ball pythons, are an extremely fun addition to any aquarium at all. Whether you're just starting to put together your first set up or you're upgrading your existing choice, here are your most popular tropical fish. These lovely fish are also a joy to keep, so you'll be sure to make the right choice in keeping a few of them in your own tank. See more on tropical fish for sale.
The most popular of all the tropical fish is, without a doubt, the African Cichlids. These are very popular around the world, and they're wonderful to have as a pet. Cichlids come in a wide variety of colors, so you'll find that you're certain to find one that matches the decor of your tank. You can easily go from a vibrant green base to a beautiful silver top, and you'll find that the color variations will amaze you.
There are actually a number of different species of these fish available, but the most common type is the African Cichlids. Many hobbyists keep this fish because it's so easy to care for, and they come in so many different varieties that it's unlikely you'll ever run out of color! In fact, these fish are so common that you may have trouble getting the exact cichlids you want if you don't know where to look. You'll probably end up having to pay a much higher price at a pet store than you would in the actual wild.
This doesn't mean that keeping Cichlids isn't worth the effort though. You'll find that they are very easy to take care of, and they live for long periods of time, sometimes even 50 years or more. They're not overly aggressive, which is great if you have smaller children at home.
The best way to take care of your fish is by feeding them the right things at the right times. When selecting fish for this aquarium, it's important to know what their normal diet is before you buy them. You should buy several different types of cichlids so you can keep them on the same diet, since you won't want them all to be on the same diet and starve each other. Keep an eye out for signs of early signs of starvation, such as your fish falling asleep or acting lethargic.
Once you get your fish home, you need to keep them happy. Perchance they've escaped your pets aquarium and swim right up into the middle of the room. If this happens, you should quickly remove all non-essential fish from the room to prevent any serious harm from being done. Chances are, the culprit will be the fish you forgot about, and the best thing to do is to go and check their pH levels, gills, eyes, and tails to make sure they're all healthy and growing properly.
Caring for tropical fish isn't always easy, but once you have a few months under your belt, the task becomes relatively easy. Just remember that your tropical fish aren't like other animals that you might have as pets. They need to be fed often, watched closely by you, and treated respectfully. They will live in your home for many years, but they're not automatically a part of your family. Make sure you treat them as you would other pets, with patience and kindness.
Having tropical fish in your home can be fun and rewarding, but you need to make sure that they're properly cared for if you want them to live as long as possible. Tropical fish tend to be picky eaters, and will often refuse to eat if they're not given food regularly. Try to feed your fish once a day, but make sure that the food contains the right ingredients. It's best to keep a daily supplement handy just in case the fish don't consume what they should within a few days of eating it.